Osprey Engineering Inc. specializes in water management – focusing on drainage, stormwater management, on-site wastewater treatment and sewage effluent dispersal – particularly in a rural setting. Our firm’s philosophy focuses on finding cost-effective solutions to water management problems which allow our clients to realize their project goals while satisfying the often-complex demands of regulators. Constant attention is paid to the natural environment and how best to integrate the client’s goals with what exists on-site. In doing this, we often find that previously insoluble physical challenges and irreconcilable regulatory requirements can be met in simple and cost-effective ways. Our wastewater practice is always working to find better ways of treating, dispersing and using what is, ultimately, a most-valuable resource – water.
Osprey was founded in 2009 by Michael A. Kitchen, P.Eng. Mr. Kitchen is a civil engineer whose experience comes from more than 20 years working on projects both large and small for companies and clients both large and small. His approach to design uses as much information and resources as can be found:
the most current design technologies (geographic information systems, computer-aideddesign and various hydraulic and hydrologic computer models);
the most current information regarding the site and surroundings from electronic data tosimple site reconnaissance,
knowledge of the local regulatory environment and-open communication with the people who will execute the design.
Mr. Kitchen is a civil engineer with more than 20 years’ experience specializing in on-site wastewater management, road design, deep utility design, storm drainage, low-impact development and water resource management.
Our work has centered in in Southern Alberta with focus on Calgary and the surrounding towns, cities and counties and the Foothills. Mr. Kitchen has also provided engineering advice and design services throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and internationally.
We bring extensive experience in road, storm sewer, pond design and site grading design using Autodesk Civil 3D and modeling surface water hydrology and hydraulics using EPA-SWMM, PC-SWMM, SWMHYMO, XP-SWMM, HEC-RAS, QHM as well as manual calculation methods.
Mr. Kitchen has extensive knowledge of the design of on-site wastewater systems and the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice.

Mike Kitchen
Mr. Kitchen is a licensed professional engineer in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Mr. Kitchen also holds a private sewage installer’s license from Alberta Municipal Affairs, Plumbing and Gas – having completed provincially-required training in the design and installation of on-site wastewater treatment and dispersal (e.g. septic) systems in January 2005.
Association of Professional Engineers, Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) – Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) – Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientist of Saskatchewan (APEGS) – Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)
Alberta Municipal Affairs, Certificate of Competency PS 8926, Private Sewage Installer; Group I